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Banwell Ochre Cave - 2

Banwell Plain, Banwell.

NGR:ST 4066 5923
WGS84:51.32906, -2.85307
Length:154 m
Depth:25 m
Altitude:54 m

This cave, discovered in 1937, consists of two large parallel passages accessible from three entrances. Fossilised bird's nests of mud, probably of martins, were found on the ledges surrounding the Upper Entrance. Immediately above the Upper Entrance lies the High Series, an apparently separate working, but with a choked connection back to Big Cave. Inside, a roomy tunnel can be followed for over 20m passing a short blind extension to the right.

Alternate Names: Big Cave, The Ochre Cave, Banwell Ochre Cave, Mud Slide Mine

New Banwell Cave, Weaver, C.P. & Lumbard, D., 1937
The Ochre Cave, Banwell, Duck, J.W., Wadsworth, A., Sharpe, E.W., 1937

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This entry was last updated: 2024-03-06 18:23:50

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