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Fishmonger's Swallet


NGR:ST 63315 87200
WGS84:51.58246, -2.53084
Length:92 m
Depth:24 m
Altitude:90 m
Tags:Cave, Archaeo, Sink

This muddy swallet cave, contains a roomy chamber and some nice formations. Named after the original digger, the remains of at least seven human skeletons were found here and radiocarbon dating indicated that they date from the late Iron Age, or early Roman period. At least one individual had been murdered, for the rear of the skull had been smashed inwards. A femur from a female had been split open and the marrow scooped out. Alongside the human remains bones of dog, bear and cattle were discovered. In September 2000 the site appeared on the television program Time Team. It was opened by Hades CC around 1994.

Alternate Names: None recorded.

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This entry was last updated: 2024-05-27 17:49:00

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