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Parsons Cave

Steep Holm.

NGR:ST 23093 60604
WGS84:51.33930, -3.10546
Length:2 m
Depth:0 m
Altitude:57 m

A small arched roofed cave, well hidden on the cliff edge. The cave has the remains of walling across its entrance. 2m high 2.5m deep and 3.6m wide.

Alternate Names: Smugglers' Cave [2]

Notes: Was re-discovered in 1985 and suggested that this could be a smuggling cave hence the Alt Name Smugglers' Cave [2]. According to Steep Holm's Pioneers, this was rediscovered by Tony Parsons. Another reference in "The Story of a Small Island" (1993), where Stan & Joan Rendell say "we ... immediately named the larger one Parsons' Cave" - although in the original magazine article they put the apostrophe between the N & S !

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This entry was last updated: 2019-05-14 07:49:06

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